Dark Light

Terms and Conditions


1. Company and user agreement

  • This website is owned by Cosmo ICT (Pty) Ltd with registration number 2019/483236/07, a company duly incorporated in accordance with the laws of the Republic of South Africa.
  • By continuing to use this website:
    • You agree that you have read and understood the full terms and conditions of use of this website;
    • and you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this website and you agree to always adhere to such terms and conditions.

2, Intellectual Property

  • All rights to the Intellectual Property in this website are owned by Cosmo ICT (Pty) Ltd.
  • The rights of the company to the Intellectual Property in this website are protected by the laws of the Republic of South Africa and international IP laws.
  • The website user is only granted the right to view the website, copy and to print its contents only for the purpose of requesting a quote for advertised products and services.
  • Any use of this website in a manner not provided for in these terms and conditions is strictly prohibited.

3. Advertising

  • The advertisement of other products or services on this website without the authorization of the owner of this website is prohibited.
  • The owner takes no responsibility for products that are inadvertently advertised by third parties on this website without the owner’s approval.
  • Should the user rely on such unauthorized advertising then the user will be doing so at his/her own risk.

4. Disclaimer

  • The owner takes no responsibility for any damages that may be suffered by the user as a result of the use of this website.
  • The use of this website is done at the user’s own risk.

5. General

  • The owner reserves the right to suspend or terminate the operation of this website without notification to the user/s.
  • The owner reserves all rights to restrict the use of this website.
  • The owner as reseller and not manufacturer of the advertised products takes no responsibility for any harm or damage that may be suffered by any person or property from the use of the advertised products.
  • The use of the forum provide in this website shall be restricted to questions and comments relating to the products and services offered in this website.
  • Posting of racist remarks, profanity, pornographic material or any other material that is not related to the products and services offered is strictly prohibited.

6. Requesting a quotation

  • When requesting a quotation the user must click on ‘find the perfect package’.
  • The user will then be redirected to complete a form that will require the user’s personal information.
  • Once the company receives the request, the user will be contacted and provided with the quote within a reasonable
  • period

7. Product availability

  • The company does not guarantee that advertised products are in fact available.
  • Only when payment is accepted by the company can the user have the right to expect to receive the product from the company.

8. Pricing

  • Delivery fee is not included in the prices indicated in this website and such fee shall be charged separately;
  • The prices reflected in this website include value added tax where applicable.

9. Methods of payment

  • The company will accept electronic transfer payments which are to be processed by the user after receiving the quotation.
  • Payment shall be deemed to be ‘received’ when such payment reflects in the bank statement of the company.
  • Alternatively payment shall be deemed to be received when such payment has been ‘cleared’ by the company’s bank.

10. Agreement of sale

  • An agreement of sale between the company and the user of the website only comes into effect when payment in the form of cash has been received by the company.
  • In the case of electronic payment the agreement will come into effect when payment has reflected in the company’s bank statement or when the payment has been cleared by the company’s bank.

11. Returns and refunds

  • Faulty or damaged products must be returned in original packaging; the company will accept such products when returned in original condition and in line with the Consumer Protection Act of 2008, the consumer will have the option to exchange the product or request a refund; where the product is not damaged or faulty, the consumer will only be entitled to exchange the product if it is returned in original packaging such that the company will be able to immediately put it on the market. Should a product that is neither faulty nor damaged be returned for exchange or refund by the consumer then the consumer will be liable for payment of the costs related to delivery; Where a purchase is cancelled after it has been sent out for delivery then the consumer will be responsible for the costs related to delivery.

12. Warranties

  • Where products on this site have warranties, the duration of the warranty shall be stated on the website next to product details or on the product packaging.
  • The consumer or user shall have the right to request information relating to product warranties from the company.

13. Risk and ownership

  • Risk and ownership of the products shall pass to the consumer upon delivery of the products to the consumer;
  • No delivery shall be made until the company has received payment in full and in the manner set out in paragraph 10 above.

14. Privacy policy- POPI

  • Privacy in website use
  • By continuing to use this website the user acknowledges that the owner of the website may collect personal information of the user;

How the information is collected

The owner collects information of the user through cookies which track and collect the user’s personal information. The user’s information will be collected froo the forum provided in the website. The owner also collects the user’s information which is supplied by the user when completing the form to request a quote.

Use of the user’s private information

The user’s information shall be used by the owner to enhance and personalize the product and service offering to the user; The user’s information will be used by the owner to market such personalized products and services to the user; The user shall have the option to opt-out of receiving marketing from the owner; The user’s personal information will not be shared with third parties without the user’s permission. ( A tab must be created for this purpose)


The owner shall take all reasonable measures to protect the collected personal information of the user; However, in light of the volatile nature of internet use, the owner shall not be liable for the loss or theft of the consumer’s information. As such, the consumer assumes liability for any loss or theft of his or her personal information that may arise as a result of use of this website.

Shipping Policy

In-Stock Products

Orders placed with cleared payments before 11AM daily are dispatched on the same day depending on order and proximity. Orders placed with cleared payments after 11AM daily are dispatched the next business day.

Normal Economy Courier Deliveries to all local addresses & SA main centres are delivered within 48 hours depending on order and proximity (2 business days).